
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2021

How much does liposuction cost in New York? by the best surgeons

You want to know how much liposuction costs in New York, the prices and costs of the surgery, because here I will tell you what I found while walking around NY. The typical cost of liposuction near New York varies between $ 1,000 and $ 11,000, with an average cost of $ 5,550 per area. The cost of liposuction in New York depends on: 1.- If the surgeon is plastic or not, 2.- If the surgeon uses an accredited operating room, 3.- If the surgeon uses special material and if the surgeon uses general or local anesthesia. Now doing a research in the liposuction clinics in NY, I can say that for a case of a 43-year-old woman who is a mother and wants to improve the contour of her abdomen and waist after pregnancy. This is how much liposuction in NY could cost her. 1.- A liposuction performed by a surgeon who is not a plastic surgeon, performed in a non-accredited operating room without special equipment, while the patient is awake: $ 4,000 2.- A liposuction by a ...

Double chin surgery in New York is a very fashionable cosmetic surgery.

Double chin surgery in New York is a very fashionable cosmetic surgery.     Selfies have increased the need to show a more youthful face. How much does double chin liposuction cost in New York? How much is the price? What is the best surgeon? Where are the best surgeons? How long does it take? • The minimum price for a double chin liposuction in New York is $ 2500. • The average price of a double chin liposuction in New York is: between $ 3,000 and $ 5,000. • What is a double chin liposuction? It is an outpatient surgical technique under local anesthesia, it achieves the elimination of accumulated fat deposits in the double chin. What allows a more youthful face. Hence his relationship with selfies. Is double chin liposuction painful? It is a somewhat painful procedure. How long do I have to be hospitalized for double chin liposuction in NY? This surgery does not require admission.   How long does double chin liposuction take? • It takes 3-4 days. • a week later you can r...


Los PRECIOS Y COSTOS más bajos DE LA CIRUGÍA ESTÉTICA EN MIAMI Los precios de la cirugía plástica en Miami varían dependiendo del cirujano, la ubicación de la clínica, y el paciente. Si tú estás buscando los precios más bajos de la cirugía plástica en Miami, aquí nosotros dejaremos una lista de estos precios. Nosotros hemos tratado de buscar los costos y precios más bajos que se pueden encontrar en Miami, por lo que esta lista solo es una referencia de los precios más bajos. Muchas de las clínicas en Florida, señalan solo costos de los honorarios del cirujano; sin embargo, esta lista incluye los demás costos relacionados con la cirugía: Anestesia, laboratorio, y el uso de las instalaciones. Esta es nuestra lista de precios de la cirugía plástica en la ciudad de Miami: ·          El Costo de inyección de Botox®  es $ 450 por área $ 450 por área. ·          El Costo de agrandamiento de sen...


LOWEST PRICES AND COSTS OF AESTHETIC SURGERY IN MIAMI Prices for plastic surgery in Miami vary depending on the surgeon, the location of the clinic, and the patient. If you are looking for the lowest prices for plastic surgery in Miami, here we will leave a list of these prices. We have tried to find the lowest prices and costs that can be found in Miami, so this list is only a reference of the lowest prices. Many of the clinics in Florida state only the cost of the surgeon's fees; however, this list includes the other costs related to the surgery: Anesthesia, laboratory, and use of facilities. This is our price list for plastic surgery in the city of Miami: • The Cost of Botox® injection is $ 450 per area $ 450 per area. • The Cost of Breast Enlargement is $ 4900 $ 4900. • The Cost of Breast Lift is $ 4500- $ 6000 $ 4500 - $ 6000. • The Cost of Breast Reduction is $ 5800- $ 6800 $ 5800 - $ 6800. • The chin reshaping cost is $ 1500- $ 3500 $ 1500 - $ 3500. • The cost of reshaping e...